Tuesday, October 19, 2010

freemans farm

we found yet another great place near our house... freemans farm!

hayrides: $2 adults $1 toddler
kettle corn: $1 (snack size)
pumpkins: $.35 per pound
scarecrow making: $20
clean petting farm: free


  1. I'm going to be doing a post about this in the next few weeks. I just need to get my pictures up!

    We went there this weekend and it's a place we haven't been since we took a fieldtrip with our school in elementary school! Crazy!

    But, because we haven't been there in years, it's wild to hear so many people talk about it. Out by our house Leed's Farm is huge and while it's cool, I liked venturing out to new places!

    We had a great time, but those gourd/pumpkin looking things looked like they had maggets (sp?) on them. I thought they were so gross.

    Looks like you guys had a great time! Did you make a scarecorw?

  2. I knew you would have a post about visiting a pumpkin patch/farm! What a fun day!

    Is Gav wearing a carhart vest? B Berbee would be so proud!
