Thursday, September 16, 2010

i miss my life... i miss my planner

i really have missed using my planner all summer long. i can't wait to get back to the days that i can open my planner everyday and see what i have going on (other than work). work has taken over my life and honestly i can't wait for my life to take over work again.  we have had a few weekends with friends but i haven't been able to really enjoy them.

actually i am going to start from scratch and get a completely new planner this will help me weed out old information and hopefully make me feel like i have some control again. some might think i am a little obsessive of my planner but it has been my key to saving me time. after all, that is what a planner is supposed to do right? i keep a list of birthday, anniversary, baby, sympathy messages within my planner to help me while on the spot. i know keeping important information like log in and passwords are not supposed to be kept in a planner but again this has saved me time in the end. i rely on my planner a lot and especially more and more since i can't seem to keep things straight in my head anymore.

i used to think that i needed the franklin planner system and had a semi medium planner book... but over the last 5 years i took it down a size to fit in my purse. this has been even more helpful .... i don't use the day to day pages that franklin system has just the overall month to month cally and than lots of extra tabs for web address/passwords, card messages, stamps, return address labels, christmas lists, and anything else that comes to mind.

here is my old planner...

here is my new planner :)....

here is to being organized again and having my life back!!!!


  1. I hear ya. If I don't write it down or put in on a list somewhere, it's GONE forever. My brain doesn't retain things that it should and by having a planner, I like to think that my life is a little more on track. I love my planner. I have a Franklin Covey planner and while I love it, it's huge! If I could put something in my purse, that would be great but I can't sacrafice going smaller because then I can't put full sheet of paper in there... It's such a never ending cycle...

    Glad you could wipe your slate clean and start over! :)

  2. Amen Sisters! Amy, you have an award on my blog! Come and receive it!

  3. good job, amy! just remember where you're great organizing skills came from! still think franklin planners are the best!
